The first International Cancer Genomics Congress (CGC2023) was held in May 2023 at the Iran International Conference Center. The congress was organized by a consortium of national scientific societies in collaboration with the Italian Society of Biophysics and Molecular Biology (SIBBM). In the first congress, we successfully established the necessary infrastructure for the Cancer Genomics Network in the country. This was made possible with the support and participation of over 25 scientific societies related to cancer, 110 student associations, medical and research centers, diagnostic laboratories, insurance companies, investors, startups, science-based companies, and health charities. In this regard, our aim was to leverage the potential of all these players to develop comprehensive, evidence-based solutions for managing cancer in the country. Fortunately, with the establishment of the Cancer Genomics Network and the strong presence of scientific societies, research, and clinical centers in the country, the potential for achieving maximum attendance of the congress audience was guaranteed.I am proud to once again serve the scientific and clinical community of the country as the President of the Cancer Genomics Congress. The CGC2024 Congress will be held with a focus on three key areas: science, commercialization, and social responsibility, similar to the previous congress. In the upcoming congress, the presence of representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Health Economics will provide a unique opportunity for specialized engagement in the pharmaceutical and clinical sectors. It will also facilitate collaboration with the private sector in developing laws, regulations, and implementing programs and policies. Consequently, this will contribute to the advancement of cancer research in the field of medicine.In the realm of commercialization, there has been ongoing support for startups focused on molecular diagnosis and targeted therapy. It is anticipated that the 12 startups that were recruited in the previous congress, hosted by the Techazma accelerator, will now enter the production phase. The initiative to attract and support new ideas and startups in the field of cancer at the upcoming congress will be pursued with greater determination, aiming to secure support from government institutions and private sector investors.In the realm of social responsibility, a meaningful collaboration was established with the National Health Charity Network during the previous congress, and this partnership will be further strengthened in the upcoming congress. The Social Responsibility Working Group has placed cancer prevention campaigns and the promotion of community health knowledge on their agenda. In order to maximize our involvement in cancer-related charities, Health Charity Network will play a more prominent role in the upcoming Congress.
In the CGC2024 Congress, two new programs are being planned under the titles of “Student Festival” and “From Idea to Startup Festival” with the aim of promoting cancer science and entrepreneurship to high school and university students.With the active presence of genomics laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, knowledge-based companies, and commercial-industrial companies in this congress, it is important to foster collaboration among all stakeholders involved in the nation’s cancer ecosystem.